
What we are doing in IBP:
 * Project and System Documentation.
 * Pre sales engineering
 * HTL , Sthal and ABB distributor and provider
 * Service & Maintenance
 * Well Experienced for training
 * On Site Trainings
 * On Site Support Staff
 * Further consultancy would be to develop the detailed Front End Engineering Design, documentation to facilitate the B.O.Q / tendering process.
 * Investment
 * Installation, Testing and Commissioning
 * Support and Operation
 * Company’s Information:
 * Company Type: Private joint
Mission & Vision
 * Act with uncompromising honesty and integrity in everything we do.
 * Satisfy our customers with innovative technology and superior quality value and services.
 * Respect our social and physical environment around the world.
 * Value and develop our employee’s diverse talent, initiative and leadership.

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